06 November 2007

Social Problems

There is much discussion these days over abortion and other "life" issues. From many sides it seems that if you are pro-life and speak out against pro-abortion Catholic politicians, who are pre-dominately Democrats, you are automatically labeled as a hypocrite and unconcerned about these other issues. Next it is assumed that you will equivocate and support Republican pro-abortion candidates. Speaking for the people I know that is not true. I will not support candidates of either political party who are pro-abortion. As to the other "life" issues which seem to include, the death penalty, immigration, wages, health care and so on there are differences of opinion on the best solution to these problems. Simply because I stand out against abortion doesn't mean I have no concern for the poor. But I do not think that more and bigger government programs is the solution. Archbishop Sheen gave a wonderful talk in his Life Is Worth Living series called Social Problems. "Bishop Sheen draws distinctions between two groups when speaking of social problems: those who create social problems vs. those who ignore them, and those who work out of obligation or duty vs. those who work out of love." We know that as Catholics we are called to work out of love. It is an excellent talk and can be downloaded for $1 at Keep The Faith

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