06 January 2010

Deep Freeze Across Globe Reaches Hell Too

In the midst of the incredible cold weather all over the world, a report from CBS News shows that even Hell is beginning to freeze over. Katie Couric reported on the CBS evening news that President Obama has reneged on a promised he made, at least 8 times, to provide transparency on healthcare legislation. When even CBS can report on this you know it is something unusual.
President Obama wants the final negotiations on health care reform - a reconciliation of the House and Senate versions of the bill - put on a fast track, even if that means breaking an explicit campaign promise.

"The House and Senate plan to put together the final health care reform bill behind closed doors according to an agreement by top Democrats," House Speaker Nanci Pelosi said today at the White House.

The White House is on board with that, too, reports CBS News political correspondent Chip Reid. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stressed today that "the president wants to get a bill to his desk as quickly as possible."

During the campaign, though, candidate Obama regularly promised something different -to broadcast all such negotiations on C-SPAN, putting the entire process of pounding out health care reform out in the open. (That promise applied to the now-completed processing of forging House and Senate bills, too.)

All I can say is that despite his obvious lack of decorum and respect for the office of President, Cong. Joe Wilson was right when he said, You Lie!

Here is a link to a video showing these promises. And even Nancy Pelosi finally got something right with her off the cuff remark that, "“There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail." Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31180.html#ixzz0bttT68dj."

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